ZenScape 38
ZenScape 38
Da, se poate!
The guarantee of UNIQUENESS
The guarantee of UNIQUENESS
Each painting, regardless of the material it is printed on or its size, is printed in a unique edition, making it only yours. The painting will no longer be available for sale.
Regardless of your reason, I guarantee you a quick refund.
TOP QUALITY guarantee
TOP QUALITY guarantee
You will not find a more perfect print quality on the Romanian market. I don't make promises without cover, I believe in Karma!
About the available OPTIONS:
1. Painting on Tempered Glass: Superior clarity and elegance. It brings an extra touch of sophistication and contemporary style.
2. Painting on Canvas: Artistic and traditional look. Ideal for a classic and timeless decor. Ready to frame and hang.
3. Painting on Natural Wood: Authentic texture and natural warmth. Ideal for a welcoming and ecological decoration.
4. Painting on Aluminum Panel: Durability and vibrant colors. Perfect for a modern and sophisticated look.
How to choose the right painting?
Each material has special characteristics and is a way to bring the ultimate touch of luxury and sophistication to the walls of the room. The differences are down to personal preference.
- Natural Look : Authentic texture and color for a warm and inviting design.
- Durability : Resistance over time due to the quality of the wood.
- Ecological : Sustainable and environmentally friendly material.
Painting on Tempered Glass Panel
- Elegance and Clarity : Superior transparency and shine for a sophisticated look.
- Durability : High impact and scratch resistance.
- Easy to Clean : Smooth surface, easy to maintain.
Painting on Aluminum Panel
- Durability : Superior weather and scratch resistance.
- Visual Quality : Vibrant colors and accurate details.
- Lightweight : Light weight for easy handling and installation.
- Modern Aesthetics : Elegant and sophisticated finish.
Painting on Canvas
- Artistic Appearance : The texture of the canvas adds an authentic painterly effect.
- Versatility : Suitable for any type of decor, from classic to modern.
- Durability : Fade resistant and easy to maintain.
who am i
My name is David Ovidiu , I was a professional photographer in Timișoara.I photographed on the paths of life, where the chance took me, faces with special stories and landscapes that you only see once in your life.
Now, with Photoshop and Midjourney, I transform the memories of the past into unique paintings. If you choose to purchase one of these paintings, you're not only bringing home a piece of my artistic journey, but you'll be helping me take my adventure further.
Thanks to those who believe in this story and share the artistic journey with me.
The guarantees I offer you:
Guaranteed free delivery , to your door, regardless of the value of the order.
Quick, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee if you're not 100% satisfied with the painting you received.
Guarantee of the uniqueness and quality of the painting.
The guarantee of the most zen shopping experience possible, without any risk for you.
I encourage you to contact me personally.
Contact me by email or even better, by phone.Choose for your elegant bedroom or living room one of the most beautiful paintings available on glass, or on ready-framed canvas. Regardless of the support you choose, the quality of the painting is guaranteed. Each painting is delivered free of charge.